5 Frequently Asked Questions About Probonix for Newborns, Infants, Toddlers, and Children

childrens probonix faqs
Here are our most frequently asked questions about Probonix for Newborns, Infants, Toddlers, and Children.

Q: What will Probonix do for my child?
A: Probonix is a liquid probiotic supplement that is used to repopulate the gut with healthy bacteria. This is important because healthy bacteria help the body in a variety of ways, including crowding out bad bacteria, supporting immune system functions, and aiding indigestion. Why would your child need this? Well, not everyone is born with the same levels of healthy bacteria in their body. Babies that are born via Cesarean section babies that are not breastfed are more likely to have lower numbers of healthy bacteria than desired. Children on antibiotics in particular benefit greatly from probiotic supplements, as antibiotics, kill off both good and bad bacteria in the gut. Supplementing with Probonix will help your child reach a healthy balance of bacteria in the gut, leading to a healthier immune system, better digestion, and lower chances of long-term GI health issues.

Q: Is Probonix safe for infants?
A: Yes, Probonix is the number one liquid probiotic on the market, and it is safe to give to infants in order to help or prevent gut issues. Traditional probiotics in pills and capsules are difficult or even impossible to give to infants. The liquid format makes it easy to give to infants and small children. It can be placed directly on the tongue. Or if your child doesn’t want to take the drops directly, under 110 degrees Fahrenheit (temperatures of 110 and above will start to kill off the healthy probiotics in the mixture). The required dosage is small enough that your child won’t even notice it in their drink.

Q: Are there any chemical or non-naturally occurring ingredients in Probonix? A: Probonix is made up of 100% all-natural ingredients. Our proprietary acid formula acts as the carrier for probiotic bacteria. It allows us to offer the product in a liquid form, and it is the element of our product that allows us to maintain a much higher probiotic survival rate than our competitors. The tartaric acid is naturally produced from the bacteria during the fermentation process of the probiotic. The grape flavor in the product is a mixture of 100% grape juice powder (no preservatives), stevia, and monk fruit, which is a naturally occurring flavor ingredient. The only other ingredients are filtered water and probiotic bacteria. There are no chemical additives or unnatural ingredients present in Probonix.

Q: Is Probonix lactose and dairy-free?
A: This is another question that we receive often. We cannot claim that our products are dairy-free because they are cultured in dairy products. However, after they are cultured and before they are put into the product, the probiotic bacteria strains are washed multiple times in order to remove any potential allergens. This washing process is very thorough. We have had multiple individuals that are sensitive to both dairy and lactose take Probonix, and thus far, we have yet to have a single person have an allergic reaction due to dairy or lactose sensitivities.

Q: Why is there a smaller dose of probiotics in Probonix than in other brands? A: Probonix promises 1 billion viable probiotic bacteria per daily dose, but some competing probiotic products claim 3 or 4 times as many per dose. Aren’t those better? This is a reasonable question that we are happy to address. After all, common sense would indicate that more is better when we’re trying to put something good into our bodies. Four carrots are better than one, right? The piece of the puzzle that most shoppers are missing is the survival rate. When you take a probiotic supplement, only a small portion of those healthy bacteria survive the journey through the stomach acid. It may say 3 billion per dose, but most probiotics on the market would be lucky to have 10% of those 3 billion make it through the stomach and into the gut. This is where Probonix’s proprietary acid carrier really shines. Our acid mixture coats the healthy bacteria and helps them adapt to the acidic environment of the stomach as they pass through. This allows them to survive in much greater numbers than competing products. In fact, we conducted extensive research to prove this point in 2015. According to this research, Probonix had a survival rate that was 9-11 times higher than top-rated competing products. Competing products may promise more probiotics per dose, but Probonix will get more of them alive and to your gut.

Read more about Probonix for Newborns, Infants, Toddlers, and Children or other frequently asked questions about Probonix.