
Who should take a probiotic?

Probiotics are beneficial for everyone! Research indicates 70-90% of your immune system is found in your gut, and probiotics help you maintain a balance of healthy bacteria. In fact, the group of healthy bacteria in the gut (also known as your intestinal microbiota) is one of the main defense mechanisms to fight off pathogens and other organisms that can make you sick. Keeping your intestinal microbiota healthy is important for supporting these immune functions, so probiotics are beneficial for just about everyone. They are particularly helpful for people that have been on antibiotics and those suffering from conditions like diarrhea, IBD, eczema, and colic.

How is Probonix Made?

Check out this video to see exactly how Probonix is made!

Does Probonix contain allergens?

Probonix is made of all-natural ingredients. It contains a mixture of probiotics, prebiotics, filtered water, stevia, monk fruit, natural flavoring, and our patented acid mixture to protect the probiotics from stomach acid.  It does not contain gluten, soy, eggs, fish, shellfish, peanuts, tree nuts, dairy, or any other allergens.

How is your product dairy free if it’s grown in milk?

It may sound crazy, but it’s true! After the probiotic bacteria in Probonix are grown in milk, they are washed, and washed, and washed and… This is repeated until milk protein levels (whey and casein) are no longer detectable, and there is absolutely no milk residue. So even though the product is grown in milk, we are able to wash it thoroughly enough to make it dairy free. We have a large number of customers that are lactose intolerant or have milk allergies that take Probonix, and none have reported any problems related to dairy.

Is Probonix vegetarian friendly? Vegan?

We do not use any animal products in our formula. The milk that the probiotic bacteria are grown in is completely removed during the washing process, so Probonix can be considered vegetarian friendly.

Since our probiotic bacteria are grown in cow milk, Probonix cannot be considered vegan.

How do I take Probonix?

Taking Probonix is simple. Just place the recommended dose directly on your tongue or into a non-heated beverage of your choice. For our Adult and Women this is 8 drops daily. You can take them in the morning, afternoon, or evening. The best time to take them is whenever it is most convenient for you!

A daily dose for the Newborns and Infants formula is 6 drops, and a daily dose for both Children’s Advanced Probonix and Probonix for Toddlers and Children is 8 drops.

How long after starting Probonix will I notice a difference in my health?

It depends. We know that’s not a satisfying response, but unfortunately, there are just too many factors to give a precise answer. Some people see noticeable results after a couple of days, while others don’t notice any major changes until several weeks after starting. The time needed to notice a difference is often based on your unique physiology and health status. Have you recently taken antibiotics? Have you been bloated or gassy? Do you suffer from IBS, Crohn’s disease, constipation, indigestion, or acid reflux? How are your dietary habits? All of these can factor into how quickly Probonix will work.

I’m not sure how long to use Probonix. Should I stop when (insert condition here) is better?

Nope. While Probonix is great for improving a number of negative conditions, it is also important to take as a maintenance tool for a healthy gut. Your gut needs a good balance of healthy bacteria to function properly. Taking Probonix regularly means that you don’t have to worry about messing up this balance when you eat junk food, get sick, or compromise your immune system when you get overly stressed or sleep too little. A daily probiotic is not a medicine; it’s a lifestyle choice.

I opened my bottle two months ago. Is it still good?

Yes. As long as the bottle has not gone past its expiration date, it’s good to use. Because of the way that Probonix is prepared, opening the bottle does not speed up the expiration process.

How does Probonix compare to other probiotics?

Very favorably! Probonix uses a proprietary acid formula that coats the live probiotic bacteria and enables them to pass through the destructive and acidic environment of the stomach and into the gut intact. So while Probonix does not have as many CFUs as some of our competitors, we have a much higher survival rate. This means that we deliver similar or larger amounts of live bacteria to the gut, and significantly fewer probiotics are killed off along the way. Check out our Six Truths You Need to Know Before Choosing a Probiotic and the science behind Probonix to find out more.

How important is CFU count? Is bigger always better?

CFU count is important, but only to a point. Ultimately, the only thing that matters is how many probiotic bacteria make it alive to your small intestine. Some companies try to do this by packing in tens of billions of CFUs per dose. What they don’t tell you is that the vast majority of these bacteria are going to be killed off before they ever reach the small intestine. On the other end of the spectrum, Probonix has 1.5 billion CFUs per daily dose, but we have scientific testing to prove that our survival rate is much higher than industry standard, so a much larger number of our probiotics survive the trip through the stomach acid and make it to the small intestine alive and well. Check out our video on CFU counts to find out more.

A one-month supply of Probonix has 45 billion CFUs. Why? Is that enough?

There is a minimum amount of daily probiotics that is necessary to achieve most of the desired probiotic benefits, but that amount is much lower than most probiotic companies suggest. According to current research, 10 million to 1 billion daily CFUs is ideal.

A daily dose of Probonix contains 1.5 billion CFUs. This number was settled on by considering the survival rate of Probonix through the gut and the number of CFUs needed for optimal gastrointestinal health. 1.5 billion daily CFUs allow us to meet the ideal daily CFU dose after accounting for probiotic bacteria that may have been killed off from stomach acid or general degradation from sitting on a store shelf.

Why do so many live Probonix probiotic cells make it through into the intestine?

Probonix uses a proprietary acid formula that coats the live probiotic bacteria and enables them to pass through the destructive and acidic environment of the stomach and into the gut intact. This acid coating suspends the probiotics in a state that increases their resilience to harsh environments like the stomach and results in a much higher survival rate than competing probiotics. Check out this video to find out more about the importance of probiotic preparation.

I’ve heard that probiotics can cause additional gas and bloating. Is it true?

Although rare, additional gas and bloating can occur when using probiotics. Probonix is designed to seek out and kill mold, toxins, and bad bacteria. When these pathogens are destroyed, they produce waste that needs to be flushed out of the system. When many of these pathogens are being destroyed in a short period of time, the waste produced can result in temporary bloating and gas. If you experience gas or bloating, we recommend that you decrease to 1 drop once a day and allow your body to process through this issue. You may gradually increase the dosage again once the gas or bloating has passed.

What is the difference between the adult/women/children's formulas?

The adult formula contains 12 strains that are most effective at supporting gut health in adult men and women.

The women’s formula contains most of the same beneficial strains as the adult formula, but it also includes two strains that have been shown to help with issues more pertinent to women, like yeast infections and UTIs.

The formulas for newborns, infants, toddlers, and children contain contains 8 strains that are most beneficial for children with developing gut bacterial environments. It includes higher percentages of the strains that are most dominant in developing children.

What’s the difference between the normal children’s formulas and children’s advanced?

The formulas for newborns, infants, toddlers, and children contain 8 strains that are most beneficial to children with normally developing gut bacterial environments. It includes higher percentages of the strains that are most dominant in developing children.

Children’s Advanced differs from our regular children’s formula in a couple ways. The first difference is in the included strains and concentration. L. rhamnosus, L. reuteri, and B. bifidum are found at much higher concentrations in the advanced formula, and two new strains, S. thermophilus and L. casei subsp. casei, have been included to more effectively combat infectious diarrhea and manage chronic constipation. The other big difference is the CFU count, which is double that of our regular Children’s Probonix. This allows the Advanced formula to deliver a much more concentrated dose of probiotics to the gut in order to more quickly and efficiently combat diarrhea, constipation, and symptoms of IBS.

What’s the difference between the liquid formula and capsules?

The only difference between the liquid formula and the capsules is the form factor.  Probonix capsules contain the same ingredients as the liquid probiotic, including our proprietary acid formula.

If there’s no difference between the liquid and capsule formulas, why make them?

We made capsules entirely due to popular demand! While many customers enjoy having our probiotic in a liquid form that can be mixed in with beverages, some people just prefer taking pills. The capsules are simply intended to provide and alternative option for people that prefer taking pills to liquid probiotics. If you like the liquid form factor, there’s no reason you need to switch.

Can I share the adult formula with my children?

We recommend giving children the formulas specifically designed for children if possible, but it is absolutely fine to give your child the adult formula. The formulas designed for children contain includes higher percentages of the strains that are most dominant in developing children, but the adult formula still offers great benefits to children of all ages. We often recommend parents go this route if they want to share with their kids for financial reasons.

The bottle says it has all-natural ingredients, but it has stevia! Isn’t stevia an artificial sweetener?

No! It is a sugar substitute, but not an artificial sweetener. An artificial sweetener is a synthetic sugar substitute that has not been produced by nature. We use an organic, green leaf stevia powder that has not been artificially processed or chemically altered in any way. It is all-natural as advertised. If you’d like more information, read on about the benefits of stevia and misconceptions surrounding the safety of stevia.

The children’s formula says to give six drops per day, but my baby is only one month old. Do I still give the full dosage?

Most of our customers with infants give the full dosage, but the acid coating can be quite potent for infants with more sensitive GI systems. For any parents feeling hesitant about starting their infant with six drops per day, we generally recommend starting with a single drop of Probonix per day and increasing the dosage by one drop every 3-4 days. From there, it’s simply a matter of seeing how they respond to determine how much is enough. Most parents stick with the full dosage, but we have some parents that find three drops to be the perfect amount for their infant.

Pet Specific

What dogs/cats should take a probiotic?

Probiotics are beneficial for all dogs and cats! Research indicates that 70-90% of the immune system is found in the gut, and probiotics help to maintain a balance of healthy bacteria. In fact, the group of healthy bacteria in the gut (also known as the intestinal microbiota) is one of the main defense mechanisms to fight off pathogens and other organisms that can make your pet sick. When the gut is healthy, it keeps foreign invaders in food from getting to places in the body where they can cause harm. Healthy bacteria in the gut also protect animals from airborne viruses and bacteria. They are particularly helpful for pets that have been on antibiotics and those suffering from conditions like diarrhea, IBD, and allergies.

How do I give it to my pet?

Giving Probonix to your pet is simple. Just place the recommended dose directly on your pet’s tongue or directly onto their food. If the food has been heated, allow it to cool a bit before adding Probonix. Large dogs need eight drops daily, medium dogs need six drops daily, and cats need six drops daily.

How long after starting Probonix will I notice a difference in my pet’s health?

It depends. We know that’s not a satisfying response, but unfortunately, there are just too many factors to give a precise answer. Some pets see noticeable results after a couple of days, while others don’t notice any major changes until several weeks after starting. The time needed to notice a difference is often based on your pet’s unique physiology and health status. Has your pet recently taken antibiotics? Have they been bloated or gassy? Do they suffer from IBD, allergies, constipation, or indigestion? What kind of diet does your pet have? All of these can factor into how quickly Probonix will work.

I’m not sure how long to give my pet Probonix. Should I stop when (insert condition here) is better?

Nope. While Probonix is great for improving a number of negative conditions, it is just as important to take as a maintenance tool for a healthy gut. Your pet’s gut needs a good balance of healthy bacteria to function properly. Taking Probonix regularly means that your furry friend doesn’t have to worry about messing up this balance when they eat unhealthy food, get sick, or have a compromised immune system. A daily probiotic is not a medicine; it’s a lifestyle choice.


What kinds of shipping options do you offer?

We offer First Class, Priority, and Priority Express options for domestic shipments. First Class shipments are free. Our international shipping options include First Class International (anywhere from 2-4 weeks), Priority International (6-10 days), and Priority Express International (3-5 days).

Do you ship to (insert country here)?

Humarian uses the United States Postal Service (USPS) to ship domestically and internationally. If the USPS ships to your country, we do too!

It’s REALLY hot where I live. Will Probonix survive the trip, or will it die on the way?

Probonix can safely withstand temperatures up to 110 degrees Fahrenheit (43 degrees Celsius). As long as it doesn’t rise above that temperature for an extended period of time (2 or more hours), the probiotics should be fine. After this point, the heat will begin to gradually kill off the bacteria.

It’s freezing here, so my product froze in my mailbox. Is it ok?

Unless the product remains frozen in the mailbox for several consecutive days, there should be no issue. We have tested Probonix after it has been frozen and have not found any evidence that its effectiveness was reduced. Only after being frozen for nearly a full week did we note any reduction in the effectiveness of the product.

Do you offer any subscription options?

Yes we do! On each product page, there are two options, “one-time purchase” and “subscribe and save”. The “subscribe and save” option will give you a recurring 10% discount.

How do I manage my subscription options?

Click here and log in to access your Humarian account. Then just click on the “Manage Subscription” option to manage away! You can also go here to cancel your subscription at any time.

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