Intro: The 6 Truths You Need to Know Before Choosing a Probiotic

There are hundreds of probiotics claiming to be the most effective product on the market. It can be difficult to discern fact from fiction with so much misinformation floating around about probiotics. 

So how are you supposed to know which one to choose? How can you tell what is marketing hype and what is fact? Our 6 Truths video series aims to set the record straight on some common probiotic misconceptions.

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    Truth #1: Your Body Needs Good Bacteria

    Maintaining a proper balance of good to bad bacteria is important for preventing harmful substances from gaining access to the rest of your body. Your body needs good bacteria in order to maintain this balance. Watch the video on Truth #1 to find out more!

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    Truth #2: Knowing Which Strains Keep You Healthy Is Important

    Probiotic strains help to promote healthy digestion and work to strengthen your immune system. There are many kinds of probiotic bacteria, and each has unique functions within the body. It’s important to know what the different probiotic strains do, so you can choose the right probiotic to fit your individual needs.

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    Truth #3: The Way Your Probiotic Is Prepared Is Critical

    Whether in tablets, capsules, or liquid form, the method of delivery for your probiotic has little impact on its effectiveness. All that really matters is that the probiotic bacteria are able to make it to your gut alive. Watch the video on Truth #3 to find out more!

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    Truth #4: Not All Probiotics Need to Be Refrigerated

    Non-refrigerated probiotics can be prepared before they start to replicate, so refrigeration is no longer needed to slow down this process. These new preparation methods have also been shown to extend shelf lives and improve survival rates.

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    Truth 5: Having Gazillions of Live Cultures (CFUs) Does Not Make It Better

    If you’ve shopped for a probiotic supplement before, you’ve probably noticed one number emphasized on the bottles, the CFU count. CFUs, or colony forming units, represent the number of live probiotic bacteria that are supposed to be in each serving. Probiotic companies use this number as a simple way to communicate the effectiveness of their products.

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    Truth #6: Few Probiotics Have Been Scientifically Tested

    Why don’t most companies test their products? How can you be sure that a probiotic works as advertised? Watch the video on Truth #6 to find out!

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