When it comes to gut health, we understand that it can be difficult to choose the right product. Below, you find an abundance of helpful resources to help you along the way. You are one step closer to achieving a healthy gut and in return, a healthy life!
Introducing Smile Guard
In the ever-evolving world of oral health care, it’s rare to find a product that is truly doing something new. Oral health has made great strides over the past few decades, with baby boomers being the first generation where the majority of people will keep their...
B. lactis – A common probiotic strain
B lactis (Bifidobacterium lactis) is a probiotic bacteria that has proven to fight tumor growths, improve digestion & enhance immune system.
Will Probiotics Help Asthma?
Are Probiotics the Key to Helping Asthma? Did you know approximately 25 million Americans have asthma? That's about 1 in 12 people, with numbers increasing every year. Asthma is a medical condition that affects your airways, making breathing difficult and triggering...
Can Improving Gut Health Help Asthma?
Asthma and Gut Health: What You Should Know Are you one of the 25 million Americans living with asthma? Asthma makes breathing difficult because the body's airways swell. While science hasn't advanced a cure for asthma, some things help these troubling symptoms....
Probiotics for Children with Asthma
Asthma in Children Asthma affects approximately 25 million Americans each year, but did you know that over 5 million of those affected are children? It’s the most common chronic lung disease in children. It’s also one of the top causes for children missing school days...
Can Probiotics Alleviate Asthma Symptoms?
Asthma is one of the most common chronic conditions in both adults and children. It affects about 1 in 13 Americans and nearly 340 million people worldwide. For some people, asthma is nothing more than an occasional inconvenience. For others, symptoms are...
Which Probiotics are Best for Seasonal Allergies?
What Causes Seasonal Allergies? Spring is just around the corner, but for every blooming flower and singing, the bird is a running nose and an itchy throat. That’s right, it’s allergy season. Seasonal allergies are a natural result of your body’s immune system...
Are Seasonal Allergies Related to Gut Health?
Does Poor Gut Health Increase Seasonal Allergies? Are you getting ready for spring? Unfortunately, for people with seasonal allergies, spring pollen is a huge enemy. But if you're one of these people, you can still enjoy the new season without the itching, sneezing,...
Can Probiotics Help Ease Seasonal Allergies?
Seasonal Allergies: Can Probiotics Help? With spring comes picnics, beautiful hikes and, unfortunately, seasonal allergies. To combat allergies, many people turn to antihistamines and decongestants that leave them feeling tired and dehydrated. If you'd like to...
Can You Take Probiotics with Allergy Medicine?
Why are seasonal allergies so common in the spring? Spring is a time for celebration in many parts of the world where snow and slippery ice give way to sunshine and blooming flowers. I’m as excited as the next person for warmer weather, but there’s an aspect of spring...
Can Probiotics Help Cats and Dogs with Vomiting?
Why is my pet vomiting? Does your pet throw up? If not, consider yourself fortunate. Vomiting is a common occurrence for cats and dogs. They can get upset stomachs just like humans, so throwing up on occasion isn’t normally a big deal. There are many potential causes...
Can You Prevent the Flu with Probiotics?
Taking Probiotics to Fight Against the Flu Did you know that 60 - 70 percent of the human's immune system is in their stomach? The best way to prevent flu symptoms is to increase your intake of probiotics. A probiotic is a live organism consumed through fermented food...
Will Probiotics Help the Stomach Flu?
Probiotics and the Stomach Flu Norovirus is one of the most common causes of the stomach flu, affecting an estimated 685 million people globally each year. When you have the stomach flu, you're undoubtedly desperate to find anything that will decrease the longevity or...
Product Update: Introducing Probonix Capsules for Adults and Women
The Probonix probiotics you love are now in capsule form. Why capsules? Because you asked! Many of our customers love the convenience of having Probonix in liquid form because it’s smaller, tasty, and easy to mix in with a beverage. However, some of our customers are...
Why am I Gassy and Bloated?
Whether we like to admit it or not, we all pass gas. We do it when we sleep, we do it when we’re on our feet, and sometimes, we do it when we eat. While it can be embarrassing to do in the presence of others, it’s a very normal part of the digestive process. Knowing...
How is Fatigue Connected to Gut Health?
Are you tired all the time? Do you often have trouble thinking straight throughout the day? Do you feel apathetic about your work? If any of these apply, you might be suffering from fatigue. Millions of Americans suffer from fatigue each year. A survey conducted in...
How is Stress Connected to Gut Health?
If there’s one feeling I can count on experiencing at least a little bit every day, it’s stress. Stress seems more prevalent than ever in our internet-connected, social media-centric times, but it has always been an inescapable facet of life. A little stress is good...
Thrush and Probiotics
As I mentioned in part 1, no. This is a very controversial subject, thus I write this carefully. It is important that as we discuss this topic, we do not contribute to the spread of misinformation. Please make sure that your sources are trustworthy and that you are referencing original sources, as important information is often taken out of context from secondhand sources. False reassurances, false alarms, and baseless recommendations all have the potential to cause harm, so be particularly mindful when sharing or receiving COVID-19 related information from friends and family. COVID-19 evidence is changing by the day. It’s likely that even some of the information presented in this article will be outdated before long, so make sure to always check multiple credible sources.
Probiotics and SIBO
Did you know that bowel issues like IBS account for close to half of all visits to gastroenterologists? Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is one of the most commonly diagnosed gastrointestinal conditions in the world. IBS symptoms can include abdominal pain,...
Can Probiotics Help with Depression?
Depression is one of the most common disorders worldwide. Major depressive disorder (MDD) is estimated to affect nearly 20 million American adults, but less severe forms of depression are much more common than that.1 Commonly known symptoms of depression include...
What are Prebiotics?
Here at Humarian, we’ve put great effort into making our Probonix products stand out in the crowded probiotic market. Part of these efforts has gone into providing education and transparency about everything that goes into our products. To that end, we’ve written...
Good Foods for Gut Health – Part 3: Digestion
For part 3, we’ll turn our focus toward foods that can aid our gut health in other ways, like improving digestion, reducing inflammation, and reducing the symptoms of conditions like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
Good Foods for Gut Health – Part 2: Fiber
The gut is home to trillions of bacteria in the body. Some of these bacteria are bad. They can cause infection, sickness, or discomfort. Other bacteria are good. These good bacteria, also known as probiotics, help us to digest food, encourage bowel movements, fight off bad bacteria and other pathogens, and much more. Maintaining a healthy balance of good bacteria in the gut is important to keep the bad ones in check.
Good Foods for Gut Health – Part 1: Fermented Foods
The gut is home to trillions of bacteria in the body. Some of these bacteria are bad. They can cause infection, sickness, or discomfort. Other bacteria are good. These good bacteria, also known as probiotics, help us to digest food, encourage bowel movements, fight off bad bacteria and other pathogens, and much more. Maintaining a healthy balance of good bacteria in the gut is important to keep the bad ones in check.
Science vs. COVID-19, Flu, Colds & Allergies – Part 3 of 3: Viruses and Supplementation
As I mentioned in part 1, no. This is a very controversial subject, thus I write this carefully. It is important that as we discuss this topic, we do not contribute to the spread of misinformation. Please make sure that your sources are trustworthy and that you are referencing original sources, as important information is often taken out of context from secondhand sources. False reassurances, false alarms, and baseless recommendations all have the potential to cause harm, so be particularly mindful when sharing or receiving COVID-19 related information from friends and family. COVID-19 evidence is changing by the day. It’s likely that even some of the information presented in this article will be outdated before long, so make sure to always check multiple credible sources.
Science vs. Covid-19, Flu, Colds & Allergies- Part 2 of 3: Viral Comparisons
The answer is no, so far as we currently know. Before diving into that information, we would like to express our sympathies regarding the constantly changing information revolving around Covid-19 and the emotional stress that it creates. We are like ping-pong balls bouncing all directions as new research continues to emerge, causing changes in recommendations and protocols to best protect ourselves and our loved ones from Covid-19. This can leave us feeling confused, frustrated, or hopeless. However, it is this same science that gives us hope. Let’s talk about science for a moment.
Science vs. Covid-19, Flu, Colds & Allergies – Part 1 of 3: Prevention Methods
The answer is no, so far as we currently know. Before diving into that information, we would like to express our sympathies regarding the constantly changing information revolving around Covid-19 and the emotional stress that it creates. We are like ping-pong balls bouncing all directions as new research continues to emerge, causing changes in recommendations and protocols to best protect ourselves and our loved ones from Covid-19. This can leave us feeling confused, frustrated, or hopeless. However, it is this same science that gives us hope. Let’s talk about science for a moment.
Why Should You Choose Probonix?
Shopping for probiotics can be tough. There are hundreds of different products to choose from, and it isn’t easy to know what’s best from just looking at the bottle. We’ve talked about some of the advantages Probonix has over other probiotics in previous posts, but we’re going to break it all down here today. Here are the some of the reasons why we think you should choose Probonix over other probiotics.
Probiotics and Immune Health in the Elderly
Immune health is important at any age, but it becomes increasingly important as we age. This is due to a principle known as immunosenescence, which refers to the gradual deterioration of the immune system brought on by natural age advancement. Immunosenescence is tied to difficulty developing immunities after vaccinations, reduced ability of lymphocytes (T and B cells) to fight off infections in the body, increased susceptibility to disease due to epithelial barrier deterioration, and more. Some of the deterioration tied to immunosenescence is caused by secondary factors associated with age, such as lessened physical activity, changing dietary needs, and increased need for medication.
Probiotics and Respiratory Health
Respiratory health has been a hot topic throughout the world over these last several months. Face masks and respirators have become hot commodities, and immuno-compromised individuals and those with respiratory conditions have had to be especially careful during the COVID-19 pandemic. I’ve never given too much thought to the relative health of my lungs, but it’s something I’ve found myself thinking about quite often this year. I’m sure the same is true for many of you.
Probiotics and the Immune System
Can probiotics strengthen your immune system? It is a commonly mentioned claim when probiotics are discussed, but rarely explained. As we explained in an earlier blog about Leaky Gut, the gastrointestinal (GI) tract is technically outside of the body. It may sound strange, but you can think of it in the same way that the hole in the middle of a donut is not actually part of the donut. Food passes through the GI tract, but it does not actually enter the body until it is digested and absorbed into the bloodstream and surrounding tissues. Because of this, it makes sense that approximately 60-70% of your body’s immune system surrounds the GI tract. This puts it in perfect position to intercept harmful substances that are ingested and prevent them from entering the body.
HHP Expert – Dr. Mandip S Kang, MD, FASN – The Doctor’s Kidney Diets
On this week’s show, Amy and Dr. B. are joined by Brittany Henderson, MD, to discuss her book, What You Must Know About Hashimoto’s Disease: Restoring Thyroid Health Through Traditional and Complementary Medicine. Dr. Henderson talks about her background as a board-certified endocrinologist and what led her to open a thyroid-specific practice and writing a book on Hashimoto’s disease. She discusses the overall prevalence of hypothyroidism, how suffering from one autoimmune disease can make you more susceptible to other autoimmune issues, and outlines some of the major symptoms of thyroid issues, like fatigue, weight gain, reproductive health, constipation, and feelings of “brain fog”. They spend some time discussing how thyroid health is still massively under-diagnosed in relation to fertility issues and why we see so many instances of postpartum thyroiditis, a form of Hashimoto’s disease that arises after pregnancy. Dr. Henderson gives a thorough explanation of TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) and how it is currently used to evaluate thyroid hormone levels in the body, as well as the thyroid’s relationship to body temperature and birth control. The group then discusses dietary concerns, including what to eat and what to avoid. Dr. Henderson ends the show by offering three pieces of advice for those that may be suffering from thyroid conditions. You can find Dr. Henderson’s book at and wherever books are sold.
How Probiotics Keep You Healthy
We’ve written plenty of blogs about different ways that probiotics can help to keep you healthy, but most of them have been deeper dives into specific conditions or promising new studies. So this time, let’s zoom out a bit. Let’s talk about how probiotics can help to keep you healthy and some of the most common reasons people take them.
HHP – Dr. Shawn Benzinger – Stress Kills: How Stress Shows Up & What It Can Do – Part 3
This week, we’re bringing you the final part of Dr. B’s series on stress. Amy sits down with Dr. B for a discussion on how your mindset can affect the way you deal with stress. They start off by giving examples of how their mindsets have changed in their own lives recently and the effects those changes have had on their personal stress levels. Dr. B. outlines some problematic tendencies that can arise with fixed mindsets compared to growth mindsets, like gravitating towards known quantities instead of seeking out new experiences, declaring relationships as broken before first trying to work on them, or relying on natural talent above putting in hard work to succeed. Then he and Amy go over some of the ways that we can recognize fixed mindsets and work to develop growth mindsets in our own lives.
HHP – Dr. Shawn Benzinger – Stress Kills: How Stress Shows Up & What It Can Do – Part 2
Join us this week for part 2 of Dr. B’s series on stress. Amy sits down with Dr. B for a discussion on the physiological effects of stress. They talk about major stressful events and what they mean for individual stress levels. Dr. B and Amy each mention some of the major symptoms they experience when they feel stressed. They talk about some of the most common stress symptoms cited after major stressful events, and then Dr. B breaks down some of these symptoms by going into detail about the physiological effects that stress can have on the body. They also touch on stress in relation to mood and food, genetics, mental beating, bad bosses, and family. Check back next month for part 3!
Are Fermented Foods Good Sources of Probiotics?
Fermentation is a technique that has been used to preserve food for thousands of years. Many places without reliable refrigeration or electricity still use fermentation to store food, but even many of those with access to refrigeration implement fermented foods into their diets because they’re delicious and nutritious! The most common kind of fermentation in foods is lactic acid fermentation, in which bacteria and yeasts are used to convert starches or sugars into lactic acid. This is how foods like pickles, sauerkraut, sourdough bread, and kimchi are made. It’s also the method used to make yogurt, which we have talked about previously. The other common forms of food fermentation are ethyl alcohol fermentation (wine, beer) and acetic acid fermentation (apple cider vinegar).
HHP – Dr. Shawn Benzinger – Stress Kills: How Stress Shows Up & What It Can Do – Part 1
We have all kinds of great guests lined up for 2020, but we’re kicking off the year guest-less as Amy joins Dr. Benzinger for the start of a three-episode series about stress. This first episode is all about how stress shows up in our bodies and what it can do. Topics covered include doctor visits due to stress, common symptoms of stress, technology, and social media, and how to approach stress management day-to-day versus long term. In the second half of the show, they discuss the increased pace of everyday life today compared to a decade ago, the connection of workplace satisfaction with overall happiness, how to differentiate between good and bad stress and more. Stay tuned for part 2!
How is Crohn’s Disease Connected to Gut Bacteria?
Crohn’s disease is an inflammatory bowel condition that affects millions of people around the world. It causes inflammation of the digestive tract and can lead to a wide array of symptoms, including diarrhea, fatigue, and abdominal pain. There is currently no known cure for Crohn’s disease, but there are therapies to help lessen symptoms, such as anti-inflammatory drugs or specific diets.
HHP Expert – Earl Mindell – What’s in Your Blood & Why You Should Care
On this week’s show, Amy and Dr. B. are joined by Brittany Henderson, MD, to discuss her book, What You Must Know About Hashimoto’s Disease: Restoring Thyroid Health Through Traditional and Complementary Medicine. Dr. Henderson talks about her background as a board-certified endocrinologist and what led her to open a thyroid-specific practice and writing a book on Hashimoto’s disease. She discusses the overall prevalence of hypothyroidism, how suffering from one autoimmune disease can make you more susceptible to other autoimmune issues, and outlines some of the major symptoms of thyroid issues, like fatigue, weight gain, reproductive health, constipation, and feelings of “brain fog”. They spend some time discussing how thyroid health is still massively under-diagnosed in relation to fertility issues and why we see so many instances of postpartum thyroiditis, a form of Hashimoto’s disease that arises after pregnancy. Dr. Henderson gives a thorough explanation of TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) and how it is currently used to evaluate thyroid hormone levels in the body, as well as the thyroid’s relationship to body temperature and birth control. The group then discusses dietary concerns, including what to eat and what to avoid. Dr. Henderson ends the show by offering three pieces of advice for those that may be suffering from thyroid conditions. You can find Dr. Henderson’s book at and wherever books are sold.
Can Probiotics Help Infants with Colic?
Between changing diapers, constant feeding, doctor visits, erratic sleep schedules, exhaustion, and just generally learning how to care for an infant, new parents have plenty to worry about in the first few months after birth. Unfortunately, about 25% of parents also have to deal with infant colic, a common gastrointestinal disorder that occurs in newborns one to three months old and leads to prolonged and often intense crying.
The Joy of Giving Lasts Longer than the Joy of Getting
The holidays are upon us! ‘Tis the season for giving, and with that, the season for getting. If you’re anything like me, you may be guilty of using the holiday season as a time to get some of that cool stuff you’re “too responsible” to buy for yourself. Getting cool stuff is the essence of happy holidays, right? Those far wiser than I would say no, it’s giving that’s key to happiness. Your eyes might have instinctively rolled to the back of your head after reading that, but what if I told you that science agrees?
Introducing Bundles for Humarian Probiotics
Introducing Bundles for Humarian Probiotics
Product Update: Introducing Bundles for Adult, Women, Newborn/Infant, Toddler/Children, Children Advanced, Dog, and Cat Probonix!
In an effort to simplify our product offerings, Humarian will be discontinuing our adult 2-month varieties. We are aware that many of our customers use the 2-month bottles for the cost-benefit, so we want to make sure cost-effective options are still available. This is where bundles come into play! We will be offering bundles that contain two 1-month bottles for 15% off the normal price and bundle subscriptions for an extra 7% discount on top of that. Adult and Children Advanced have also been updated with new and improved packaging that Toddler/Children, Newborn/Infant and Women Probonix received earlier this year.
Can Gut Bacteria Reverse Food Allergies?
Peanuts, soy, dairy, gluten… there are so many allergens to worry about these days. Oral immunotherapy (ingesting small amounts of an allergen to increase the threshold that triggers a reaction) is successful for some patients, but it only works for the specific allergen that is targeted and can be accompanied by some unpleasant gastrointestinal side effects. Researchers are continuing to look for treatment options for preventing or reversing food allergies in patients, but the best option currently is to avoid them altogether. Thankfully, a new study from Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Boston Children’s Hospital suggests that may not be the case for long.
HHP – Dr. Ryan Bentley – The truth about everyday products with added probiotics
This week, we welcome Dr. Ryan Bentley back to the show. He joins Amy and Dr. B. to talk about probiotics in everyday products. You can now find orange juice, milk, lotion, makeup, and many other products that claim to be loaded with probiotics. Are they effective? Can they act as substitutes for probiotic supplements or fermented foods? Do the sugars in some of these products activate probiotics prematurely? How much do we really know about the effects of the probiotics in these products with current research? Dr. Bentley dives into all of this and more, so stay tuned!
Overeating and How the Brain Reacts to Food
People tend to assume that they stop eating when they feel full, but many of us don’t. Why do we overeat? Some people overeat because their portion sizes are too big, and they don’t stop until their plate is clean. Others eat too much because they’re overly stressed, emotional, or just plain bored. Sometimes a dish is just so good that it feels wrong to let it go to waste. Scientists have long thought that certain individuals are more predisposed to overeating than others, but research as to why this is the case is ongoing. According to a pair of new studies, the way our brains reward us for eating may play a significant role.
HHP Expert – Jodi Smith – Losing Weight, Eating Well, and Dieting – Part 2
In part 2 of our dietary discussion with Jodi Smith, Amy and Dr. B. join Jodi to discuss nutrients, dietary trends, and how to form long-term healthy eating habits. Topics discussed include: · Why a keto diet can reduce the likelihood of heart disease for some...
Does Food Tracking Really Help You Lose Weight?
As modern society trends toward lifestyles that are decreasingly reliant on physical activity, and process foods are cheaper than ever, obesity continues its reign as one of the most alarming global health-related topics. This is especially true here in the USA, where obesity rates in adults are nearing 40% in several states. Recent statistics indicate that obesity-related diseases and disorders are responsible for 18% of deaths in Americans ages 40 to 85.
HHP Expert – Jodi Smith – Losing Weight, Eating Well, and Dieting – Part 1
We have a 2-parter for you this time! In part one, Jodi Smith returns to the show to talk with Amy and Dr. B. about losing weight, keeping it off, and where diets like Whole 30, paleo, and keto fit into the mix. Jodi is a medical nutritionist and the creator of...
Probonix Variability
One of the most common concerns we hear about Probonix involves consistency between bottles. “Is this bottle okay? It looks a little different than my last bottle”. Yes, that bottle is okay, but it probably does look a little different than your last bottle. Not every...
Side Effects from Probiotics
If you’ve kept up with the Humarian Blog for long, you know that we talk about probiotics all the time. Whether they’re improving your digestion, boosting the body’s immune capabilities, helping infants with diarrhea, or reducing the severity of IBD, probiotics offer...
All About the Acid that Makes Probonix Special
Probonix stands above other products in the crowded probiotic market for many reasons. Humarian is one of the only probiotic companies to be loud and proud about the scientific testing we have conducted to prove the effectiveness of our products. Probonix is one of...
HHP Expert – Swathi Rao
On this week’s show, Dr. B. is joined by Swathi Rao, owner and CEO of local Indiana practice, Be Well Family Care. Be Well Family Care is a family practice with a focus on integrated care, or what Swathi calls “smart medicine.” This means that the practice tries to...
Can You Have a Healthy Diet with a Limited Budget?
We feel better when we eat well. We have more energy, we think more clearly, and our mood improves. Yet, time and time again, we default to junk food. Keeping a healthy diet can be a struggle for so many reasons. Maybe we’ve got a wicked sweet tooth, and the only cure...
Introducing Probonix for Newborns & Infants and Probonix for Toddlers & Children
Product Update: Introducing Probonix for Newborns & Infants and Probonix for Toddlers & Children! And boxes! Our children’s probiotics have gotten an upgrade! We have received feedback from parents that the dosage instructions on our Children’s Probonix were a...
How Dietary Fiber and Gut Bacteria Protect the Cardiovascular System
Researchers have known for some time that gut bacteria are responsible for a wide range of beneficial substances utilized throughout the body. This includes a number of vitamins, proteins, and metabolites. We also know that the ability of gut bacteria to produce these...
Gut Bacteria Could Help Against Autoimmune Diseases
Autoimmune diseases – conditions in which the body attacks itself by mistake – are some of the most common kinds of illnesses in the United States with over 23 million Americans affected. There are close to 100 known autoimmune diseases, many of which have similar...
HHP – Dr. Bentley: How long does it take to see the effects of probiotics?
Dr. Ryan Bentley returns to the show this week to have another fun chat with Amy and Dr. B. about probiotics. The big question of the day: how long does it take to see the effects of probiotics? According to Dr. Bentley, it depends. The trio delves into why there...
Video Series – Six Truths Wrap Up
Now that you’ve had a chance to learn about the Six Truths you should know before choosing a probiotic, it’s time for a quick recap. Truth 1: Your body needs good bacteria There are more than 100 trillion bacteria living in your body! A large number of these bacteria...
Video Series – Truth #6: Few Probiotics Have Been Scientifically Tested
Shopping for probiotics can be tough. There are hundreds of products to choose from, and it’s not easy to know what’s best from just looking at the bottle. Many probiotic companies like to flaunt large CFU numbers to draw you in, but the unfortunate truth is that most...
HHP Expert – Dr. Rajiv Sharma: Pursuit of Gut Happiness, Edition 2
Today, we welcome back board-certified gastroenterologist Dr. Rajiv K. Sharma, MD. Amy sits down with Dr. Sharma to discuss the new edition of his book, Pursuit of Gut Happiness. Dr. Sharma talks about the new edition’s updates to spices and herbs and its increased...
Video Series – Truth #5: Having Gazillions of Live Cultures (CFUs) Does Not Make It Better
If you’ve shopped for a probiotic supplement before, you’ve probably noticed one number emphasized on the bottles, the CFU count. CFUs, or colony forming units, represent the number of live probiotic bacteria that are supposed to be in each serving. Probiotic...
Video Series – Truth #4: Not All Probiotics Need to Be Refrigerated
One of the biggest misconceptions regarding probiotics is that all of them need to be refrigerated. Originally, packaged probiotics were full of active species that were unprotected and constantly replicating. Refrigeration was needed for these probiotics in order to...
Video Series – Truth #3: The Way Your Probiotic Is Prepared Is Critical
Whether in tablets, capsules, or liquid form, the method of delivery for your probiotic has little impact on its effectiveness. All that really matters is that the probiotic bacteria are able to make it to your gut alive. Probiotic companies like to brag about how...
Video Series – Truth #2: Knowing Which Strains Keep You Healthy Is Important
Probiotic strains help to promote healthy digestion and work to strengthen your immune system. There are many kinds of probiotic bacteria, and each has unique functions within the body. It’s important to know what the different probiotic strains do, so you can choose...
Video Series – Truth #1: Your Body Needs Good Bacteria
There are more than 100 trillion bacteria living in your body. In fact, you have more bacteria in your body than cells! Some bacteria in your body are harmful and can be responsible for a wide range of health issues. They can cause everything from diarrhea to...
Video Series – The Six Truths You Need To Know Before Choosing A Probiotic
There are hundreds of probiotics claiming to be the most effective product on the market. So how are you supposed to know which one to choose? How can you tell what is marketing hype and what is fact? Over the next several weeks, we’re going to release a series of...
Holistic Pet Health Day
By Elyse Horvath Founder, Natural Paws How wonderful it is that we have a day to recognize and celebrate our pets’ whole selves! Holistic health care, the idea that the physical, mental, spiritual and emotional aspects of a body must be in balance to prevent disease,...
Healthier Heart Equals Healthier Gut
If there’s one universal truth that medical and health professionals of all varieties seem to agree on, it’s that exercise is the one true miracle drug. It improves mood, fuels weight loss, strengthens muscles and bones, increases energy levels, improves memory,...
HHP Expert – Jeffrey Anshel, OD, Food & Supplements for Optimal Vision Care
Our guest this week is Dr. Jeffrey Anshel, optometrist and author of Smart Medicine for Your Eyes. Amy and Dr. B chat with Dr. Ansel about eye exams, carrots, and eye diseases. Dr. Ansel explains the three “O’s” and how overall nutrition can affect our eyes. He also...
How Probonix is Made
At Humarian, we follow Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP). We source the highest quality raw ingredients. Each shipment of our acids, inulin, probiotics, stevia, monk fruit, and organic flavoring is lab certified upon arrival and re-verified at multiple steps...
HHP Expert – Dr. Joel Kahn, MD, Healthy Heart Doctor
Our guest this week is holistic cardiologist, Dr. Joel Kahn. Dr. Kahn joins the show to talk about the ins and outs of heart health, heart disease, and plant-based diets. Dr. Kahn describes his path to becoming a cardiologist and why he decided to switch to a...
The Mediterranean Diet and Healthy Aging
The Mediterranean diet has been a go-to recommendation for forming healthy eating goals for many years. Cultures around the Mediterranean region live longer, healthier lives than their American counterparts, and their diet is believed to be a large factor. This diet...
Best Practices for Taking Your Dog to Work
by: Beth Stultz A new survey of more than 1,000 pet owners by Pet Sitters International (PSI) found that pet-friendly workplace policies were considered a benefit by 78 percent of pet-owning employees surveyed. These employees also feel that pets have a positive...
HHP – Dr. Ryan Bentley: Men’s Health
This week’s show is all about men’s health. Amy has questions, and Dr. Ryan Bentley is here to answer them. Dr. Bentley sits down with Amy and Dr. B. to talk about why men don’t like to go to the doctor and why men’s health is such an important topic today. They spend...
Pets are Family. Honoring Their Memory is Important
by Lori Davidson & Remy Bibaud When people ask, “Who loves animals?” I don’t hesitate to say “Me”! From Millennials to Boomers, you’ll find proud pet parents. I often add the hashtag #catmom to my social media posts. I’m a pet mom and have been for years. I’ve...
Probiotics and Alzheimer’s
Alzheimer’s is the most common form of dementia. It causes serious problems with memory, thinking, and behavior that can negatively impact daily life for those affected. There is currently no cure for Alzheimer’s, but research is ongoing to find ways to treat and...
HHP – 3 Reasons Why People Don’t Take Care of Themselves
On this week’s show, Amy and Dr. B. have a chat about the three questions that we should be asking ourselves when we’re thinking about making positive wellness changes in our lives and why self-care needs to become a bigger priority. Am I worth it? Is it going to...
Food Allergies
Food allergies are serious, potentially life-threatening conditions that have been on the rise over the past two decades. Rates among children have risen by over 50% since 1997, with 1 in every 13 children in the United States currently affected. Food allergies occur...
HHP Expert – Dr. Wartian Smith: What You Must Know About Women’s Hormones
Today, we are joined by Dr. Pamela Wartian Smith, MD, MPH. Amy and Dr. B. sit down with Dr. Smith to discuss the ins and outs of her book, What You Must Know About Women’s Hormones. The trio chats about some of the most common issues women face regarding their...
Celiac Disease
Gluten-free is “in”. From restaurants to grocery stores to popular snack foods, everyone is cashing in on the gluten-free craze, largely due to a growing public perception that going gluten-free is healthier. While a gluten-free diet has not been shown to offer...
Why ‘Dog-Speak’ is Important for Bonding with Your Pet
I must admit that I have done a bit of cringing in the past when some of my dog-owning friends have talked to their pets in high-pitched “doggy talk.” Sure, parents use “baby-talk” with infants all the time, as it has been proven to offer communication and bonding...
Craving: Why Are We Willing to Pay More for Unhealthy Foods?
Eating well is tough. Cookies, sugary cereals, and sweetened frappuccino’s are dietary staples for people around the globe. Most of us know that these foods aren’t great for weight gain or overall health, yet we continuously choose them over healthier alternatives....
Do Gut Bacteria Really Affect Our Metabolism?
With obesity more prevalent than ever and diabetes looming on the horizon, we Americans are ever on the lookout for new tips and tricks to aid us in our weight loss journeys. It can be tough to know what works and what doesn’t with how quickly current weight loss...
Pet First Aid
Pet safety is an increasingly popular topic amongst pet owners as of late. Last month, we talked about one aspect of pet safety, poison prevention. April is Pet First Aid Awareness Month which gives us a great excuse to continue our pet safety discussion! If your dog...
Probiotics and CFUs: How Many is Enough?
Probiotics are defined as ‘live microorganisms that when administered in adequate amounts confer health benefits on the host’. The potential benefits of probiotics have been well documented, but there is still plenty of confusion about how to evaluate the...
IBS May Be Caused by Changes in Gut Microbiota
Spring is upon us, and with it comes Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) Awareness Month. IBS is a common gastrointestinal disease that affects the large intestines of over 30 million people in the United States. It is a chronic condition without a cure, but it can be...
HHP – Dr. Earl Mindell: Vitamin Bible
This week, we welcome back Dr. Earl Mindell to talk about his best-selling book, The Vitamin Bible. Dr. Mindell checks in to talk about why his book is the best source for information on vitamins, and the importance of supplements as a whole. He explains the...
How Much Sugar is in the Foods We Eat?
It’s no secret that sugar is a large contributor to the obesity epidemic in the United States. According to the World Health Organization guidelines on sugar intake, the daily-recommended allotment of sugar is no more than 30g per day. That’s less than one can of...
Pet Poison Prevention
March 19th marks the start of National Pet Poison Prevention Week. This is a week dedicated to spreading awareness about pet poison prevention to pet owners across the country. The importance of spreading awareness on this issue becomes clear when you consider that...
Probiotics vs. Digestive Enzymes
Some of the most common questions we receive at Humarian involve comparisons between probiotics and digestive enzymes. What’s the difference between them? Which one should I take? Aren’t they the same thing? While probiotics and digestive enzymes are both marketed as...
Colorectal Cancer Overview
March marks the beginning of National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month, a time when people across the country join together to advocate for the importance of regular colorectal cancer screenings after age 50. Colorectal cancer is the third most common kind of cancer...
HHP Brittany Miller: Diet and Nutrition
Our guest this week is Brittany Miller, a registered dietitian nutritionist. Brittany joins Amy and Dr. B to discuss her passion for holistic and ancestral nutrition, how to incorporate those principals into a family setting, and how to use the ancestral diet to...
Heart Health and Probiotics
February is coming to a close, so let’s end Heart Health Month with something distinctly Humarian… probiotics! That’s right, probiotics are great for heart health, and if you read our blog on coronary artery disease, you know that as the leading cause of death...
4 Ways Pets can Improve Your Mental Health
It is estimated that nearly 80 million dogs and 85 million cats are owned in the United States. Most pet owners think of their animals as members of the family, and many believe that their pets take care of them just as much as they look after their pets. Pet owners...
Pet Dental Health
Have you ever noticed that many dogs have bad breath? Of course you have, but I’ll bet you didn’t know that bad breath could be a sign of a serious dental health risk. In fact, nearly 70% of cats and dogs have gingivitis by the age of 3! Even worse, this gingivitis...
Coronary Artery Disease Overview
It’s American Heart Month! That means it’s time for us to draw attention to our hearts and what we can do to keep them beating strong. Heart health is a big concern for Americans, as heart disease is the leading cause of death for men and women in the United States...
Graves’ Disease
As we near the end of Thyroid Awareness Month, let’s take some time to discuss another disease associated with the thyroid, Graves’ disease. While hypothyroidism disorders (such as Hashimoto’s thyroiditis) result in an inability to produce sufficient quantities of...
HHP – Peter Abaci, MD: Conquer Your Chronic Pain
Today, we are joined by Dr. Peter Abaci, MD, one of the world’s leading experts on pain and the director of the Bay Area Pain Center. Amy and Dr. B. meet with Dr. Abaci to discuss his book, Conquer Your Chronic Pain, and his transformative model for a more holistic...
5 Things You Can Do to Keep your Pet Healthy in 2018
The basics for keeping a healthy pet may seem obvious, but “best practices” change at a frightening rate nowadays. It can be difficult to keep up with the constant onslaught of new information and even more difficult to separate the good advice from the bad. We caught...
HHP – Tom Monte Follow Up Q&A
We're excited to welcome back Tom Monte, teacher, counselor, and author of Unexpected Recoveries: Seven Steps to Healing Body, Mind and Soul When Serious Illness Strikes, for some listener Q&A. Dr. Benzinger sits down with Tom to chat about how he got into the...
Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis
January is Thyroid Awareness Month, so let’s bring some much-needed attention to one of the body’s most under appreciated organs. The thyroid gland is located at the front of the neck below the larynx. It produces two important hormones, thyroxine and...
HHP – Geoff Bond Follow Up Q&A Segment 2
We're back for the second part of our Q&A session with Geoff Bond, author of Paleo in a Nutshell: Living and Eating the Way Nature Intended. Amy sits down with Geoff to discuss the correlation between what we eat and how that affects brain health in relation to...
Humarian Dimensions of Health
It’s a new year, and with a new year comes new goal setting for getting healthy. As we all know, becoming healthy is not always an easy process. It can require serious commitment and legitimate lifestyle changes. Human beings have more choices for healthy living today...
HHP – Geoff Bond Follow Up Q&A Segment 1
We're excited to follow up with Geoff Bond, author of Paleo in a Nutshell: Living and Eating the Way Nature Intended, for some listener Q&A! Amy sits down with Geoff to discuss his thoughts on the following questions: What should we be looking for if we want a...
HHP – Sandra Woodruff Follow Up Q&A
We're excited to welcome back Sandra Woodruff, registered dietitian and co-author of Dr. Vlassara's AGE-less Diet: How a Chemical in the Foods We Eat Promotes Disease, Obesity, and Aging and the Steps We Can Take to Stop It, for some listener Q&A! Check out this...
Food Poisoning and Crohn’s Disease
Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD), such as Crohn's disease, are chronic, life-long conditions that can be treated, but not cured. According to 2011 estimates, they affect as many as 1.6 million Americans. The number of people that suffer from human bowel diseases...
HHP – Sandra Woodruff & AGE-Less Diet
Today our guest is Sandra Woodruff, registered dietitian and co-author of Dr. Vlassara’s AGE-less Diet: How a Chemical in the Foods We Eat Promotes Disease, Obesity, and Aging and the Steps We Can Take to Stop It. Dr. Benzinger sits down with Sandra to discuss the...
HHP – Dr Earl Mindell Follow Up Q&A
We’re excited to welcome back best-selling author, pharmacist, and health motivator, Dr. Earl Mindell, for some listener Q&A! Check out this quick follow-up to hear Dr. Mindell’s answers to these questions: Our family avoids dairy, so we usually buy almond milk,...
HHP – Dimensions of Health: Exercise 101
Amy and Dr. B. continue their discussion with the second dimension of health, exercise. Dr. B. explains why he likes to exercise by himself, while Amy describes why she likes to exercise in a group of people. They discuss why age shouldn’t be a limiter on exercise,...
HHP – Dimensions of Health: Nutrition 101
Amy and Dr. B. kick off the six dimensions of health series with some talk about nutrition. What are the six most important nutritional elements for essential function? Where are you supposed to start learning about nutrition when there is so much information out...
Can diet alone cure Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis?
According to a recent study, yes! Dr. David Suskind, a gastroenterologist at Seattle Children’s Hospital, led a study demonstrating that pediatric patients with active Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis (UC) were brought into clinical remission through dietary...
HHP – Dr. Earl Mindell and Overcoming Allergies (and the Twinkie-Ding-Dong-Pizza-Prozac Diet)
Today, we are joined by Dr. Earl Mindell, co-author of What You Must Know About Allergy Relief: How to Overcome the Allergies You Have & Find the Hidden Allergies that Make You Sick. Amy and Dr. Benzinger sit down with Dr. Mindell to discuss allergens, allergy...
Probiotics and Healthy Skin
It seems like probiotics are everywhere nowadays. Take a stroll through the grocery store, and you’ll see them advertised in milks, juices, and pickles, in addition to the usual suspects of yogurt and kefir. The oral probiotic supplement market is booming, and skin...
HHP – Humarian Dimensions of Health: An Introduction
We’ve gone into the nitty-gritty of health and wellness care, but what about the basics? On today’s episode, we learn about Humarian’s six dimensions of health: Nutrition, Exercise, Mental, Social, Spiritual, and Environmental. What are the basic tenants of each,...
Type 1 Diabetes and your Gut
“All disease begins in the gut”. This is one of the most famous quotes from Hippocrates. It may seem like a bit of a stretch to say that all disease originates from one place, but here we are again with yet another study linking a common disease to the gut. Perhaps...
E. faecium – A common probiotic strain
E. faecium can have positive effects on non-specific immune responses in healthy dogs, as shown by this study.
HHP – Geoff Bond – Paleo in a Nutshell
Today, our guest is Geoff Bond, author of Paleo in a Nutshell: Living and Eating the Way Nature Intended. Dr. Benzinger sits down with Geoff to discuss… Geoff’s upbringing, and how that informed his interest in eating well. How in the mid-2000’s, Paleo became the...
Probonix For Dogs & Cats – What You Need To Know
Why does my pet need a probiotic? Probonix is a liquid probiotic supplement that is used to repopulate the gut with healthy bacteria. This is important because much like the human body, healthy bacteria in the bodies of dogs and cats perform a number of important...
HHP – Dr Renee Dufault – Unsafe at Any Meal
Today, our guest is Dr. Renee Dufault, the author of Unsafe at Any Meal: What the FDA Does Not Want You to know About the Foods You Eat. Amy and Dr. Benzinger sit down with Renee to discuss… Her time as a former investigator at the FDA, why the FDA told her that she...
The Gut-Brain Connection: Can Microbes Affect Your Mood?
Each year, it is becoming increasingly apparent that microbes are essential components of our bodies and our overall health. Probiotics are everywhere, and even everyday consumers are looking for easy ways to incorporate healthy bacteria into their diets. Bacteria...
HHP – Jodi Smith Follow Up Q&A
We're excited to follow up with Jodi Smith, medical nutritionist with some listener Q&A! Check out this quick "podcast-let" and hear Jodi Smith's responses to your questions. She touches on everything from Popeye (who eats canned spinach?!), sneaky veggie uses and...
Stevia – Benefits and Positive Effects
If you read through our previous stevia blog, you learned that stevia is not an artificial sweetener like most sugar alternatives, and you learned that rumors about stevia being dangerous do not have solid scientific data to support them. In reality, not only is...
HHP – Jodi Smith & Your Personalized Nutrition Plan
Today, our guest is Jodi Smith, medical nutritionist and founder of Amy and Dr. Benzinger sit down with Jodi to discuss… What exactly is a medical nutritionist? How nutrition relates to cancer Some of the largest risk factors for cancer Why doctors...
Stevia – Is It Safe?
Stevia is one of the most popular sugar substitutes to gain prominence in recent years. Unlike most other sugar substitutes, stevia is not artificial or chemically induced. Other sugar substitutes have been scientifically documented and linked to cancerous tumors and...
HHP – Debra Lynn Dadd & Living A Chemical-Free Life
Today, our guest is Debra Lynn Dadd, leading researcher, writer, and consumer advocate for products that are free from toxic chemicals. Debra has spent her life learning about common toxins in the household, the dangers everyday toxins can pose, and the best ways to...
Probiotics: Single Strain or Multiple Strains? Which is better?
If you’re reading this article, you probably have already figured out that probiotics are good for you, but maybe you’re still trying to figure out how to weigh your options. There are so many facets to consider when selecting a probiotic that it can get overwhelming....
HHP – Dr. Rajiv Sharma Follow Up Q&A
We're excited to follow up with Dr. Rajiv Sharma, board-certified gastroenterologist with some listener Q&A! Check out this quick "podcast-let" and hear Dr. Sharma's responses to these questions: Are their foods other than Kiefer and yogurt that are probiotic...
Product Update: Changes to Probonix Dosage
Humarian recently made some changes to the dosage on our Probonix bottles, so we thought it would be helpful to write a quick blog on the subject. One important note to start: the formulas for Probonix have not been changed in any way. The only changes are to the...
L. gasseri – A Common Probiotic Strain
Lactobacillus gasseri (L. gasseri) is a probiotic bacterium that is found naturally in the genital, urinary, and digestive systems of the body. It is also present in breast milk, fermented foods, and dairy products. L. gasseri serves many important functions in the...
HHP – Dr. Rajiv Sharma & The Pursuit of Gut Happiness
Today, our guest is board-certified gastroenterologist Dr. Rajiv K. Sharma, MD. Amy and Dr. Benzinger sit down with Dr. Sharma to discuss his book, Pursuit of Gut Happiness, a guide for using probiotics to achieve optimal health including why Dr. Sharma decided to use...
Is Yogurt a good source of probiotics?
Short answer? It depends. Yogurt can be a great natural source of probiotics if you are willing to adhere to some very specific criteria, but most people don’t eat the right kinds of yogurt or the right amounts of yogurt to meet the needs of their bodies. While it is...
L. fermentum – A common probiotic strain
Lactobacillus fermentum (L. fermentum) is a probiotic bacterium that is located naturally in the mouth, gastrointestinal tract, and vaginal tract in humans. It is more survivable in acid and bile than other probiotic strains.1 L. fermentum offers a number of potential...
HHP – Frankenfoods – Smart Fast Food Choices?
On this episode of the HHP, we continue our Frankenfoods series with a discussion on fast food, fast casual food, and eating in restaurants. Join Amy and Dr. Benzinger as they discuss topics like why restaurants have been afraid to make their food healthier and how...
L. brevis – A common probiotic strain
Though not as widely recognized as other lactobacillus strains, like L. acidophilus and L. casei, Lactobacillus brevis (L. brevis) is a wonderful candidate for probiotic supplementation. This probiotic bacterium is regularly found in sauerkraut and pickles. Like other...
What does VBNC mean on the new Probonix label?
In August 2017, Humarian launched a new cherry Probonix flavor along with a new and improved grape flavor. While we were making label changes to accommodate the new flavor information, we decided to include our VBNC designation. Because this abbreviation might be new...
The Milk Test, Yogurt & Probonix
At Humarian, we occasionally receive questions about the viability of Probonix because it didn’t pass the “milk test” or because it didn’t work as a yogurt culture. Now I’m sure many of you are wondering, “What in the heck is a milk test?” The milk test is a process...
Probonix Children’s Advanced Formula – What You Need To Know
Let’s discuss the basics first. Why does my child need a probiotic? Probonix for Newborns, Infants, Toddlers, and Children is a liquid probiotic supplement that is used to repopulate the gut with healthy bacteria. This is important because healthy bacteria help the...
HHP – Frankenfoods – Soda or Diet, Which is Better?
Soda has been around since the 18th century, but only in the past few decades has it been identified as one of the worst substances we can put in our bodies. So how did soda transform from a tasty afternoon treat to “the devil’s water”? Join Amy and the docs as they...
HHP – Frankenfoods – Monsters or Miracles?
I know what you’re thinking…this episode must be about a long-lost recipe from Mary Shelly. That does sound fun, but no! It’s about Frankenfoods, a classification of food products that are highly refined, pre-packaged, low nutrient, and laden with chemicals....
P. acidilactici – A common probiotic strain
P. acidilactici is a highly survivable probiotic strain that has been shown to provide a number of benefits when taken as a regular probiotic supplement. We’ll talk about a few of those benefits here. P. acidilactici is extremely resistant to the acidic environment of...
L. salivarius – A common probiotic strain
L. salivarius is a probiotic strain that provides a number of benefits to your body, such as lowering cholesterol, relieving asthma, and reducing tissue inflammation. It is found throughout the body, but it is particularly concentrated in the saliva. Consequently, one...
HHP – The Truth About Leaky Gut (Part 2)
The fun continues in part 2 of our Leaky Gut episode! Join Amy and the docs as they discuss what causes Leaky Gut, what you can do to prevent it, and what an unaddressed Leaky Gut can mean for you and your long-term health. Thanks for listening to the Humarian Health...
L. casei – A common probiotic strain
Lactobacillus casei is a probiotic bacterium that can be found in the reproductive and gastrointestinal tracts of humans, as well as cheeses, wines, pickles, and other fermented foods. L. casei has been shown to provide a number of beneficial effects in the body....
HHP – The Truth About Leaky Gut (Part 1)
This episode is all about Leaky Gut Syndrome. What is it? Why don’t some doctors recognize it as a real condition? Why does Dr. Benzinger keep comparing the small intestine to a flour sifter? We discuss these questions and more, then we listen to Dr. Ryan Bentley ‘gut...
L. helveticus – A common probiotic strain
Lactobacillus helveticus (L. helveticus) is a lactic acid bacterium that is used in the manufacturing process of many Swiss and Italian cheeses, such as Emmental, Gruyere, and Parmigiano Reggiano. It has recently been accepted as a medicinal ingredient in Canada’s...
Leaky Gut and You: Part 3 of 3 – Leaky Gut and Autoimmune Diseases
Welcome back to the final part of our Leaky Gut series. In part 1, we learned that the gut barrier protects the body from bad foods and harmful substances passing through the digestive tract. In part 2, we learned that leaky gut allows unwanted antigens to get passed...
Leaky Gut and You: Part 2 of 3 – Leaky Gut and the Gut Barrier
Welcome back to the second part of our Leaky Gut series. In this section, we will be talking more about the third key concept from Part 1 (that approximately 60-70% of the body’s immune system surrounds the GI tract) and how it relates to the negative effects of Leaky...
Humarian Health Podcast – Thrush, Mouthwash and Probiotic Vag Packs…Oh My!
Many moms have had first hand experience with thrush. It's not an 80s rock band, but a pesky infection that typically shows up as a white rash inside their baby's mouth. Dr. Bentley gut checks us and answers our pressing questions like do breast feeding and c-sections...
S. thermophilus – A common probiotic strain
Streptococcus thermophilus (S. thermophilus) is a probiotic bacterium found in the digestive tract. It is one of the two original bacterial strains used to make yogurt. This acid-resistant strain is one of the most effective at modulating the immune system, improving...
Probonix Repair – What You Need To Know
Is Probonix Repair a good choice for me? Many of our customers suffer from long term gastrointestinal issues resulting from a variety of different reasons from over-use of antibiotics, dietary issues or other health conditions. As a result, their GI tract has become...
Leaky Gut and You – A 3 Part Series: Part 1 of 3
Part 1 of 3: Leaky Gut and the Gastrointestinal (GI) Tract Leaky Gut Syndrome. There’s a good chance you’ve heard of it, but you probably don’t know exactly what it is. After all, despite increasing popularity, it is not recognized by most conventional physicians. Is...
Humarian Health Podcast – Ins and Outs of Eczema (and Coffee Enemas)
During this episode you'll learn about eczema and how to treat it from the inside out. Make sure you listen to the very end when we test our own Dr. Bentley in a new segment called "That's Intesteristing" where we spring a gut-health related topic on him and give him...
L. Lactis – A common probiotic strain
L. lactis, a probiotic bacteria, is commonly found in everyday life more easily than other traditional probiotic strains. You’ve probably had some from eating cheese or drinking beer at some point. This is due to the fact that L. lactis has the ability to produce...
L. paracasei – A common probiotic strain
L. paracasei is a probiotic bacterial strain that can be commonly found in the mouth and intestinal tract, as well as a number of dairy products. This bacterium can have positive effects on digestion and basic immune functions. It also offers preventative benefits for...
Humarian Health Podcast- Gas and Bloating
We're answering the call of the wild burrito during this episode where our very own Dr. Bentley gut checks - dare we say butt checks - what we know about the causes of gas and bloating, how to reduce it and even how to help your infant and toddler transition through...
Humarian Health Podcast- Antibiotics and Probiotics
Everyone has taken an antibiotic or knows someone who has. But do you know what effects antibiotics can have and how probiotics may be a good option to restore your gut balance if you find yourself needing an antibiotic? Join us as we listen to Dr. Ryan Bentley 'gut...
Did You Know: Very Few Probiotics Have Been Scientifically Tested
Shopping around for probiotic supplements is tough. There are hundreds of products to choose from, and it’s tough to tell what product to try from a bottle alone. Let’s pretend for a minute that every probiotic you looked at worked exactly as advertised. You’d learn...
Did You Know: Having a Higher Number of Probiotics (CFUs) Doesn’t Make it Better
If you’ve shopped for a probiotic supplement before, you’ve surely noticed one statistic that all probiotics emphasize on the bottle, the CFU count. CFUs, or colony forming units, represent the number of live probiotic bacteria that are supposed to be in each serving....
Humarian Health Podcast- C-Sections, Breast Feeding and Probiotics
Did you know that how your baby is delivered and whether you breastfeed or formula feed can affect your baby’s gut health? Listen in as our very own Dr. Ryan Bentley ‘gut checks’ the myths and realities of c-section births, breastfeeding and the impact they have on...
Humarian Health Podcast- Probiotics Basics and Beyond
Join us for probiotics basics as we explore what probiotics are, what they do and the role they play in our overall health. As it turns out, probiotics show up in loads of medical discussions from c-section births to autoimmune diseases. And Dr. Ryan Bentley shows up...
Did You Know: Not All Probiotics Need to be Refrigerated
We still get loads of questions asking if all probiotics need to be refrigerated. This question is the result of a common misconception, a relic from the early days of probiotic sales where they were packaged and sold in a manner that required refrigeration for...
Introducing the Humarian Health Podcast
We're excited to announce the launch of our new Humarian Health podcast where we're spilling our guts for the wellbeing of yours! The entire medical and scientific team at Humarian share a commitment to the science of digestive health. Humarian Health is a podcast...
5 Frequently Asked Questions About Probonix for Newborns, Infants, Toddlers, and Children
Here are our most frequently asked questions about Probonix for Newborns, Infants, Toddlers, and Children. Q: What will Probonix do for my child? A: Probonix is a liquid probiotic supplement that is used to repopulate the gut with healthy bacteria. This is important...
Did You Know: How Your Probiotic is Prepared is Critical
Probiotic supplements are a fantastic way to improve general health. They help to bolster the immune system, improve digestion, and crowd out harmful bacteria in the gut. Most manufacturers of probiotics like to brag about how many billions of live cultures their...
L. Plantarum – A Common Probiotic Strain
Lactobacillus Plantarum (L. plantarum) is a probiotic bacterium that helps to improve digestion and bolster the body’s immune system. More importantly, it serves important functions in fighting off molds, fungi, and their respective toxins that can threaten the...
B. Longum – A common probiotic strain
Bifidobacterium longum (B. longum) is one of the many important probiotic bacteria found in the human body. It is one of the primary probiotics that is found naturally in breast-fed infants, and performs a number of beneficial functions in the body.1 B. longum helps...
Did You Know: Different Probiotic Strains Do Different Things
Probiotics are healthy bacteria that live in your gut. They help you with digestion and strengthen your immune system. There are many kinds of probiotic bacteria, and each has unique functions within the body. It’s important to know what the different probiotic...
L. acidophilus – A Common Probiotic Strain
Lactobacillus acidophilus (L. acidophilus) is a probiotic bacterium that is found naturally in the mouth, intestines, and in the vagina. This probiotic helps to guard against infections and diseases in the body, and it has even been used during chemotherapy...
B. infantis – A common probiotic strain
Bifidobacterium infantis (B. infantis) is a probiotic bacterium found in the guts of adults and children. It is also one of the main strains of good bacteria that are typically found in infants. It has been the focus of research revolving around its ability to treat...
Antibiotics and Probiotics
Antibiotics are some of the most useful medications in use today. They combat a wide range of health issues and treat life-threatening disorders. They are perceived to be effective while having minimal risks. This combination of factors explains why they are also...
Did You Know: Your Body Needs Good Bacteria
There are more than 100 trillion bacteria living in your body.1 In fact, you have These bacteria can be responsible for a wide range of health issues from diarrhea to food poising to tuberculosis. Your body might be overloaded with harmful bacteria for a variety of...
B. breve – A common probiotic strain
Bifidobacterium breve (B. breve) is one of the most helpful probiotic bacteria in the human body. Amongst probiotic bacteria, it is unique in its ability to compete with other harmful bacteria due to the large variety of molecules that it can digest. It makes up the...
Constipation is Common Among Children
At one time or another, every child experiences constipation. But if your child routinely exhibits symptoms such as straining and pain when going to the toilet, abdominal pain, stomach aches, soiling, or diarrhea, it could be a serious issue. When your child is...
Can probiotics help with inflammatory bowel disease?
If you suffer from inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), you know how brutal it can be. The two main types of this chronic inflammation of the digestive tract are Crohn’s disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC). It presents with symptoms such as severe pain, diarrhea,...
Probiotics can help to prevent diarrhea in infants
You’ve done your homework. You know about the many benefits of probiotics – how they can help strengthen the immune system, overcome indigestion, and so much more. But did you know that they can actually help to PREVENT diarrhea in infants? Prevent infant diarrhea?...
B. bifidum – A common probiotic strain
Bifidobacterium bifidum (B. bifidum) is the most common probiotic bacteria found in the human body. It’s a good thing it’s so plentiful because this bacteria is responsible for a wide range of beneficial effects in the gut like maintaining the balance of good and bad...
Diarrhea: Probiotics Counter the Effects of Antibiotics
Antibiotics can do some amazing things, but they can also have some rough side effects on your digestive tract. The job of an antibiotic is to target and destroy bacteria in your body – but unfortunately, they can’t tell the difference between good and bad bacteria....
Breast Milk: It Does a Body Good
You have heard the long list of reasons why it’s preferable to breast feed your baby over formula-feeding. One of those many reasons is that breast milk contains a probiotic that reduces (or even eliminates) painful stomach cramping. The probiotic is a strain of...
Healthy Bacteria Can Help to Prevent Premature Births
Premature births are a serious and scary risk for parents. They can lead to a wide range of dangerous complications including everything from short term issues with breathing and blood to long term issues like Cerebral palsy and psychological conditions. But don’t...
Why Are Probiotics Important for C-Section Babies?
Well, to answer this question, it’s important to understand that how the baby enters the world has a significant impact on the baby’s gut health. Babies receive healthy bacteria from their mothers when they pass through the birth canal in a vaginal delivery. C-section...
There are Probiotics in Breast Milk… Why Should I Care?
As a parent, you should care because it could have major health implications for your child. Formula fed babies do not get any of the probiotics found in breast milk without additional supplementation. Without this, they may have more bad bacteria and less healthy...
Can Probiotics Help Premature Babies with NEC – A Deadly Tissue Disorder?
According to a recent study, yes they can! A paper published in the Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (JPEN) lays out some promising findings about how probiotics can help with one of the most dangerous health risks for premature babies – necrotizing...
L. reuteri – A common probiotic strain
Lactobacillus reuteri (L. reuteri) is a probiotic bacteria that lives in the mouth and gut of people. It is most commonly known for its benefits in treating several childhood ailments, but healthy doses of L. reuteri are capable of providing a wide range of benefits...
L. rhamnosus – A common probiotic strain
Lactobacillus rhamnosus (L. rhamnosus) is a probiotic bacteria that is most well-known for having incredible tolerance to the harsh gastric acid and bile found in the stomach and digestive system. Due to this extraordinary resilience, L. rhamnosus is an important...
Have a child that suffers from UTIs?
It might take some teamwork to prevent them. While urinary tract infections can affect anyone, they are most common in children, especially girls. According to research, by the age of seven, 8.4 percent of girls and 1.7 percent of boys have already suffered at least...
C-Section Babies Might Need More Gut Help
As strange as it may seem, how a baby is delivered seems to have an impact on their gut health. A recent study has shown that birth by C-section (as well as other factors such as antibiotics and formula feeding) could be slowing down the development of all those...
Eczema: Protect Your Baby’s Skin with Probiotics
If you are pregnant, taking probiotics during your pregnancy and during breastfeeding has been shown to reduce the chance that your baby will suffer from eczema. And even if your baby still contracts eczema, it is likely to be more mild than cases in children whose...
Probiotics Saving the World!
Probiotics are changing the future for poverty stricken regions all over the world. Researchers have discovered a strain of probiotics that can be added to foods, particularly a probiotic dried seed, allowing the food to last and retain its nutrients for a longer...
4 Ways Probiotics Help Premature Babies
More studies each year come out that show us the true power of probiotics. But can probiotics help premature babies? If so, how? Here are 4 key ways that premature baby probiotics may be able to help babies that are born premature. Prevent Tissue Death Supplementing...
3 Reasons Probiotics Increases Heart Health
Probiotics can reduce your risk of heart disease and increase your overall heart health. Millions of people all over the world either suffer from heart disease or at risk for heart disease and probiotics could be a simple solution. Hundreds of studies have been...
Healthy Gut Promotes Cognitive Flexibility
Your brain is influenced by your gut. Chemical reactions initiated by food and processed through the gut send positive and negative signals to the brain that can affect mood, behaviors and your ability to think creatively to find solutions to problems. Every system in...
Celiac Disease and Probiotic ‘Gluten Free’ Labels
Do you have Celiacs Disease? Are you paying attention to the ingredients in your supplements? If you suffer with Celieac Disease it is probably safe to assume that your answer to the second question is "yes". For you and others with this disease, the smallest bit of...
Cardiovascular Health Influenced by the Gut
Research is starting to strongly link cardiovascular health and the gut. We are beginning to see that cholesterol and body weight can be the results of bacteria in your gut. The gut can be considered the second brain of the body. It controls the digestion of food and...
Probiotics Combat Infantile Eczema
Probiotics could be an easy solution to infantile eczema. Eczema is a frustrating, often painful, skin condition that plagues millions of people everyday. It is characterized by patches of dry skin, intense itching, and recurring rashes, and in severe cases there can...
Circadian Rhythms and the Gut Microbiome
How you feel during the day is controlled by your body's called circadian rhythms. These rhythms are basically the way your body uses the energy from the food you eat. Throughout the day the brain and liver communicate based on the nutrients they have obtained and...
Autoimmunity Linked to the Gut
Research is showing more and more that there can be a direct correlation to the health of a person's gut and autoimmunity. A person’s gut can be considered the most important component of the digestive system because it takes the food you consume and transfers the...
Serotonin Begins in the Gut
Did you know that 90% of serotonin in the human body is produced in the gut? That means that your happiness is effected by state of bacteria in your digestive tract. Having an imbalance of bacteria can lead to low levels of serotonin, making you sad and sluggish. A...
Mother’s Gene Can Improve Baby’s Gut Health
A study published in the Microbiome Journal reports that the fucosyltransferase 2 gene (or "sectretor" gene) is inactive but present in some mothers. This gene is said to produce a breast milk sugar that encourages the growth of Bifidobacterium in the baby's...
Blood Sugar Control Linked to Gut Microbiota
A recent study conducted by Dr. Elena Barengolts shows that gut microbiota contain both harmful and beneficial microbes that can affect the human body in different ways. Gut microbiota is composed of different micro-organisms and intestinal bacteria. Over time,...
Probiotics: Key Ingredient for Drinkable HIV Vaccine
The increase in the number of people diagnosed with Human Immunodeficiency Virus or HIV creates alarm among the medical community and the entire world. In fact, countries around the world conduct HIV awareness and treatment campaigns in order to help those infected...
Type 1 Diabetes Predicted by the Gut
Can the gut predict future health problems? The human microbiome comprises trillions of microorganisms that reside in the body. Most bugs in the microbiome are beneficial and harmless. Shifts in the microbiome have been connected to different diseases such as...
Fecal Microbiota Transplant Resulting in Obesity
Fecal microbiota transplant (FMT) is a promising cure for relapsing Clostridium difficile infection, a usual cause of antibiotic-related diarrhea in which serious cases can result in death. However, a case published in the Infectious Diseases Society of America,...
Gut Microbiota Maturation in Infants
How important are the beginning stages of a baby's development? Researchers are finding that even factors like length of gestation and method of delivery can play an important role in the development of an infant's gut microbiota. The human gut harbors a multifaceted...
Teamwork Prevents Recurrent Urinary Tract Infection
Urinary tract infection (UTI) is a bacterial infection of any section of the urinary tract leading to inflammation. Bacterial infections of the ureters or bladder are typically known as cystitis. Other particular UTIs, which are said to be more serious cases, involve...
Respiratory Tract Infections Reduced in Athletes
Athletes who are undergoing intense and severe exercises are more at risk of upper respiratory tract infection and gastrointestinal disease. It is vital for active athletes to to maintain a healthy lifestyle while training and competing. Gastrointestinal diseases and...
Lactobacillus Casei Proves: Prevention Saves Money!
Hospitals are not usually a fun place to be. Everyone can generally agree that the less complications you experience in the hospital, the better. There are many medications that a patient must take during treatment and recovery phases. Many times those patients will...
Prediabetes and Probiotics
Could probiotics help patients diagnosed with prediabetes and aid them in the prevention of type 2 diabetes? Is it possible for something as simple as a probiotic supplement to improve the blood pressure of a prediabetic patient? Probiotics are proving their worth...
The Brain-Gut Connection
The connection between the gut and the brain is becoming a hot topic in the gastrointestinal and psychiatric fields. Microorganisms in the gastrointestinal tract of human are essential to health. They are from an intricate tapestry of organisms that can benefit body...
Intestinal Lining Maintained with Probiotics
Scientists have found that bacteria which aid in digestion can help keep the intestinal lining intact, strengthening the body's immunity. Good bacteria are necessary for the health of the gut, and the health of the gut influences the overall health of the body. The...
Allergic Rhinitis reduced with Probiotics
Allergic Rhinitis is a known allergic reaction of nasal airways, and research is showing that probiotics could be an great treatment alternative. Allergic rhinitis occurs when allergens such as dust, pollen, hair or animal dander is inhaled by a person with sensitized...
Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Fight with Probiotics
Probiotics may be beneficial in patients suffering with inflammatory bowel disease. By producing inhibitory substances, blocking adhesion sites, competing for essential nutrients, degrading toxic receptors, stimulating immunity, and promoting gut integrity if you...
Diarrhea Prevented with Probiotics
People all over the world are becoming aware of the many health benefits associated with regular use of the good bacteria known as probiotics. Studies are proving that you can prevent diarrhea by supplementing with probiotics. Bifidobacteria and lactobacillus can keep...
Stress Reduction with Probiotics
Stress can decrease and cognitive function increase with probiotics! Studies suggest that probiotics may improve moods, reduce stress, and decrease pain sensitivity. Many people know probiotics improve the composition of bacteria in the gut. Research is now proving...
Immunity Improved with Probiotics
Probiotics may enhance gut barrier function and improve immunity in infants. Studies are proving that probiotics can help infants with allergic reactions. One such allergic reaction is atopic dermatitis. Priobiotics can stabilize the intestinal barrier structure. At...
Obesity Reduced with Probiotics!
Probiotics are proving to reduce glucose intolerance and fat mass as shown in a study conducted with obese mice. In a study conducted on diabetic and obese mice which used Bifidobacterium animalis ssp. Lactis as daily supplements helped reduce glucose intolerance. In...
Constipation Possibly Alleviated with Probiotics
Constipation is quite common among children. The signs that a child may be suffering from constipation vary. Symptoms include straining and pain when going to the toilet, abdominal pain, stomach aches, soiling, or diarrhea. Other problems include poor concentration,...
Eczema Treatment with Probiotics During Pregnancy
Eczema is one of the most common skin diseases in the world. The number of people affected by this disease is growing because of our increased exposure to chemical substances and pollutants. Eczema is a constant inflammation that manifests in recurring dryness and...
David Perlmutter Author of Grain Brain on Gut Bacteria and Your Health
In a recent interview, David Perlmutter spoke our language. Healthy gut bacteria causes healthy living. As we have shared with everyone we meet, healthy guy bacteria is the key to your health. It does so much more than help process food. It helps with your mind, your...